BALANCE: VOR 1 tutorial (Erin)

  • The vestibular system is responsible for the perception of both the sense of position and motion. Angular accelerations are perceived by the SCCs, linear accelerations by the otolithic macula of the utricle and saccule.
  • Vestibular pathways include the VOR, vestibulospinal tracts, and vestibulocerebellar tracts.
  • Overall the VOR remains the most important and most clinically studied vestibular pathways, being responsible for the maintenance of a stable retinal image with active head movement.

Most well-known book on the subject: Leigh RJ, Zee DS. Contemporary neurology series:the neurology of eye movements. Philadelphia

(PA): FA Davis Company; 1983

LINKS: my favorite free education links on youtube by Khan Academy and Ninja Nerd Science:


Who trains this stuff?

Specialized PTs and OTs usually for either pediatrics or for specific conditions such as vertigo. AND elite athletes.

Behavioral Optometrists who do Vision Therapy. Usually for kids. Adults are RARELY assessed outside of conditions such as vertigo and even then its limited. Shockingly there is little in the way of this sort of approach for TBI/concussion and they are the ones who really need it! When it comes to mobility, balance, general fitness training and rehab, hardly anyone is doing this kind of work. It can be really really profound.

Its foray into functional movement is ahead of its time. I hope it becomes more mainstream to assess and treat the way we sense the world around us!

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